Yvan's notebooks
Music by Philippe Parolini
All music on this blog is royalty free in the context of a non-commercial activity.
For any other use, please contact me using the contact form.
Site photo credits: ©Loxiafilms/Philippe Parolini

On the first music site I published, I noted: "Yvan Lowosky is a ghost. A hidden part of myself that blows my mind ear of the music that I try to transcribe with more or less happiness. . . "
Playing and letting your hands run on the keyboard leads us into unexpected domains made of reminiscences but also of rhythms, harmonies or melodies hidden deep in our brain, a whole abounding sound world unsuspected which is often revealed when listening to the recordings. So much so that, often, we surprise ourselves and we say to ourselves that it cannot come from us. This mysterious spirit that lives in me when I play, I named it Yvan. Why? No specific idea. I just know it's Yvan, Yvan Lowosky. A name that I have used as a pseudonym until today, perhaps to release myself from responsibility for clumsiness, plagiarism or lack of interest in the pieces offered for listening.

This site replaces the old site "Les carnets d'Yvan" where editing music has become a little too complicated in the absence of the playerAdobe Flash Player has become obsolete.Its main purpose is to inventory and organize a bit of a "crazy" production in which I myself have some difficulty in to see clearly, even if, only, part of my production is presented there. It is therefore a space for personal use in which the visitor landing here by chance will be welcome.
Si cela vous intéresse, vous can discoverthe music I make.The verb to manufacture may be a little surprising. It is that, in fact, I do not carry out a work of composer such as one can legitimately imagine it: I abandoned musical writing on paper to simply write to from MIDI sequences recorded on a keyboard then reworked.
The immediately noticeable advantage is greater spontaneity and greater freedom of expression combined with rapid results. The influences and reminiscences will be quite easy to spot, even if, when I venture on the paths of atonality, I arrive, perhaps- be, to more originality.
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La traduction automatique utilisée sur ce site est un moyen rapide mais un peu aléatoire de rendre accessible les textes des différents articles proposés ici. Elle n'est pas exempte d'erreurs ou de barbarismes. Je m'en excuse auprès des visiteurs non francophones qui me font l'amitié d'une visite. J'espère pouvoir bientôt offrir une correction progressive des articles.
No great instrumental technique, sometimes shaky spelling and musical syntax, I apologize to the technicians. There is no other ambition here than to let the imagination run wild and share a few musical moments, which I hope will be pleasant to listen to.(that said, you don't have to listen...).
with some images of these pages of tiger. No symbolism to look for, it's just that I like these images and that in black and white the tiger becomes like the keys of the piano(the zebra too, but it's less classy...)!
Welcome to the pages of these notebooks...