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Clavier d'un piano Bosendorfer
Studies for the piano 

As for the sketches,  the word study must be understood here in the sense in which it is used in drawing: these are sound sketches, generally technically more difficult and often in dark colors : black and white, chiaroscuro. However, from time to time, a ray of sunshine comes to tear the storm clouds for a moment...

Sculpture Prague
Étude 05Philippe Parolini
00:00 / 02:45
Sans parolesPhilippe Parolini
00:00 / 02:11
Presto Philippe Parolini
00:00 / 02:33
Petite étude 1Philippe Parolini
00:00 / 00:47
Petite étude 2Philippe Parolini
00:00 / 02:14
le petit train Philippe Parolini
00:00 / 01:05
Etude n°7 Philippe Parolini
00:00 / 01:51
Etude N°11Philippe Parolini
00:00 / 03:24
Etude 6 Philippe Parolini
00:00 / 04:31
Etude 34 Philippe Parolini
00:00 / 03:00
Presto 2 Philippe Parolini
00:00 / 01:50
Etude 14Philippe Parolini
00:00 / 01:26
Etude n°26 Philippe Parolini
00:00 / 01:42
Grande étude concert 1Philippe Parolini
00:00 / 07:28
Etude 31 Philippe Parolini
00:00 / 01:50
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